Happening RECENTLY…
Kim Arcand & Liz Landau accepted an award at the Raw Science Film Fest on Oct 5 2024.
Preorder our new edition of Light coming out July 16, 2024
Check out BBC/Nova’s Universe
Our NASA+ documentary “Listen to the Universe” has won multiple awards including best new media at the Raw Science Film Festival.
Check out my recent work with Mickey Hart and Dead & Co on The Sphere Las Vegas.
Read our feature on micro vs macro in this New York Times Interactive quiz.
Our new paperback edition of “Light: The Visible Spectrum and Beyond” has received a starred Library Journal review! Available now.
Visit "Lights Out: Recovering Our Night Sky,"if you’re in Washington DC. This exhibit on light pollution I co-curated is at @nmnh through Dec 2026.
Listen to my segment on sonification for NPR’s Science Friday. Catch me on NPR Weekend Edition, or talking about black holes on the BBC ‘Universe” series on PBS in the US & BBC in the UK.
Stars in your Hand on 3D printing the Universe, is available, or settle in for bedtime reading with my children’s book Goodnight Exomoon, available at B&N and Amazon. Read the Smithsonian Magazine review.
It all started when…
I was working in molecular biology and public health when I was hired for NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory in 1998. Since I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was little, this opportunity got me close to the cosmos but without the long distance commute. Today, I use data to tell stories about science, whether in the form of a 3D print of a supernova remnant, a Virtual Reality application in high-energy astrophysics, or a data sonification of the stars.
Science storytelling

The story continues…
I enjoy connecting with different groups, from small classes of elementary students to large conferences with aerospace industry professionals. I have had the pleasure of being invited to speak at the U.S. Library of Congress, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United Nations (Space for Women), U.S. Congress (Science on the Hill), Blue Origin, Intrepid Museum, Brown University, Boston Museum of Science, Franklin Institute, StarTalk Radio, TEDx, SXSW, and many others for my day job. Whether I’m discussing space, light, data visualization or women in STEM, I greatly appreciate being able to interact with diverse audiences as part of my career.